Blagdon Pond Sludge Buster
Blagdon Pond Sludge Buster
Item Code: 2724
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Sludge Buster 4 Pack Clears unsightly sludge Maintaining a clear and healthy pond. Sludge Buster introduces bacteria that ill consume sludge and waste in the pond created through the ponds natural cycles or after a course of treatment to remove algae etc. Sludge Buster contains cultures of biological organisms which actively consume organic sludge and so takes the hard work out of keeping your pond clean and healthy. Each 9g sachet contains 8500 million bacteria to consume the pond sludge. Ponds produce large amounts of organic sludge such as dead vegetation, algae and excess food. This sludge blocks pumps and filters, and chokes ponds. The only means of control previously has been time-consuming and messy manual cleaning.
Sludge Buster 4 Pack Clears unsightly sludge Maintaining a clear and healthy pond. Sludge Buster introduces bacteria that ill consume sludge and waste in the pond created through the ponds natural cycles or after a course of treatment to remove algae etc. Sludge Buster contains cultures of biological organisms which actively consume organic sludge and so takes the hard work out of keeping your pond clean and healthy. Each 9g sachet contains 8500 million bacteria to consume the pond sludge. Ponds produce large amounts of organic sludge such as dead vegetation, algae and excess food. This sludge blocks pumps and filters, and chokes ponds. The only means of control previously has been time-consuming and messy manual cleaning.
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