Exmarid Dry Skin Formula With Starflower Oil
Exmarid Dry Skin Formula With Starflower Oil
Item Code: S0789
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Exmarid is a Complete Skincare System in three basic steps:Step 1 - Cleanse, disinfect and feed from the inside.Step 2 - Soothe itchiness, cool irritation and Moisturise to reduce scratching.Step 3 - A protective skin care regime with special shampoo and daily supplementation.Dry Skin Supplement + Starflower Oil 150ml >Add Starflower Oil to your pet's diet, a nutritional oil which has been recognised as very beneficial in maintaining Skins health - it's like moisturising from the inside.
Exmarid is a Complete Skincare System in three basic steps:Step 1 - Cleanse, disinfect and feed from the inside.Step 2 - Soothe itchiness, cool irritation and Moisturise to reduce scratching.Step 3 - A protective skin care regime with special shampoo and daily supplementation.Dry Skin Supplement + Starflower Oil 150ml >Add Starflower Oil to your pet's diet, a nutritional oil which has been recognised as very beneficial in maintaining Skins health - it's like moisturising from the inside.
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