Wahl Pro Palm Brush
Wahl Pro Palm Brush
Item Code: 58524-002
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Groom your pet in comfort with an ergonomic grip that makes handling the brush simple. Ball pins glide through the coat collecting matted hair. The nylon ball pin bristles remove loose hair, debris and tangles to achieve a smooth coat. Shorter, soft nylon bristles make this suitable for brush drying your pet. Daily brushing removes dirt, debris and loose hair that can cause matting.
Groom your pet in comfort with an ergonomic grip that makes handling the brush simple. Ball pins glide through the coat collecting matted hair. The nylon ball pin bristles remove loose hair, debris and tangles to achieve a smooth coat. Shorter, soft nylon bristles make this suitable for brush drying your pet. Daily brushing removes dirt, debris and loose hair that can cause matting.
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